In addition to filling out the online pre-registration form below, please also print out the following required documents to complete, sign, and return to the school office or bring to the first day of rehearsal.

Thank you!

CTLB – Consent and Release Form and Participation Behavior Agreement – ATP – Newsies Jr – 2025

Birney Tech Afterschool Theatre Program Pre-Registration Form

Birney Tech Afterschool Theatre Program Pre-Registration Form

Newsies Jr is our Spring 2025 Afterschool Theatre Program.

Rehearsals will start on February 25 in classroom 9 and continue every Tuesday excluding school holidays (TK & Kinders 2:00-2:45, 1st-3rd 2:45-4:45, and 4th-5th 2:45-5:45). There maybe some Wednesday rehearsals added in April and May (TBD). Tech Days will be in May (TBD) at the Ernest Borgnine Theatre (855 Elm Ave, Long Beach 90813) from 3:30-7:30pm. Shows are tentative on May 10 at 2pm & 6pm at the Ernest Borgnine Theatre

There is no cost to students.

The first 50 students registered will be automatically enrolled in the program.

A Waiting List will be created once the first 50 registrations has been reached.

Spots may open due to no shows and/or drop outs at the first rehearsal.

There is currently a 50 student cap. So book a spot now!

For more information: [email protected]

Student Information

Grade *
T-Shirt Size *

Parent Information

Additional Contact Person's Information (optional)

In addition to filling out the online pre-registration form above, please also print out the following required documents to complete, sign, and return to the school office or bring to the first day of rehearsal.

Thank you!

CTLB – Consent and Release Form and Participation Behavior Agreement – ATP – Newsies Jr – 2025

“A triumph! CTLB transforms children’s lives!”

—Erin Stenberg
Malibu United Methodist Church