Playbill Ads Policy


CTLB provides opportunities for businesses and organizations to place ads in playbills provided to patrons at our various productions. Ads are available for businesses or organizations (no shout outs to performers). All ads must be appropriate for children. CTLB reserves the right to evaluate and determine child appropriateness, in its sole discretion, of all ads for content and visual representation. Those not meeting that determination may be given the opportunity to make adjustments to meet CTLB’s approval.


Below are graphic representations of the sizes and costs of playbill ads. All ads are in black and white, except the back cover ad which is in color. 


To place a Playbill Ad or for more information, please email your ad or questions to:

[email protected]

Please include contact information with your submittal.


“Children’s Theatre of Long Beach is unique in my experience of children’s theatre companies…”

—Chris Carpenter, Theatre Critic Grunion Gazettes