Registration Refund Policy
CTLB will gladly give a refund upon a parental request for a student who drops out of the Theatre Program for any reason under the following criteria:
“Full” Refund – Through the second week of rehearsals
“Prorated” Refund – Up to halfway through rehearsals
No Refund – After halfway through rehearsals
In addition, all refunds (full or prorated) are subject to the amount paid minus any credit/debit card fees that may have been incurred by CTLB. All credit/debit registration refunds will be processed back to the original card used or paid by check if unable to process. All cash or check registration payment refunds will be processed by check and mailed to the address on file unless otherwise requested.
When making your refund request, please provide name of student, school/production, and reason for dropping out of program. CTLB will reply and request a confirmation. This may include type of payment (credit/debit or check), amount of refund (full or prorated – minus any fees paid), and payee’s name and address if refund to be paid by check.

“Children’s Theatre of Long Beach is unique in my experience of children’s theatre companies…”
—Chris Carpenter, Theatre Critic Grunion Gazettes