Upcoming Program


It’s time to carry the banner on stage with Disney’s Newsies! Set in turn-of-the century New York City, Newsies is the rousing tale of Jack Kelly, a charismatic newsboy and leader of a band of teenaged “newsies.” When titans of publishing raise distribution prices at the newsboys’ expense, Jack rallies newsies from across the city to strike against the unfair conditions and fight for what’s right!
Based on the 1992 motion picture and inspired by a true story, Newsies features a Tony Award-winning score by Alan Menken (Little Mermaid, Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast). Featuring the now classic songs “Carrying the Banner,” “Seize the Day,” and “Santa Fe,” Newsies is packed with non-stop thrills and a timeless message, perfect for the whole family and every audience.

Rehearsals start Feb 8th

Saturdays and Sundays 1-5pm

     Our Saviour’s Lutheran Church – 370 Junipero Ave, Long Beach, CA 90814
Tech week   May 10 -15th – times TBA (No tech rehearsal on May 11 for Mother’s Day)
Shows Fri May 16th at 7pm,  Sat May 17th at 2pm & 7pm and Sun May 18th at 2pm
     Ernest Borgnine Theatre – 855 Elm Ave, Long Beach, CA 90813
All called for strike after the 2pm Sunday show
No more that 3 conflicts accepted during rehearsals. No conflicts accepted during tech week or shows.

Registration fee is $185 per student. In addition, you have the option of purchasing a Newsies T-Shirt and a personalized Water Bottle for only an additional $30.


If you are in need of a scholarship, please contact Sean by email: [email protected].


In addition to filling out the online registration form below, please also print out the following required documents to complete, sign, and bring to the first day of rehearsal. A link to CTLB’s refund policies is also listed.

Thank you!

CTLB – Consent and Release Form and Participation Behavior Agreement – Newsies 2025

Refund Policies

Weekenders Registration Form

Weekenders Registration Form

Spring 2025 Production - Newsies

Rehearsals: Saturdays & Sundays from 1-5pm beginning February 8th
Rehearsal Location: Our Saviour's Lutheran Church

Tech week   May 10 -15th - times TBA (No tech rehearsal on May 11 for Mother's Day)

Shows: May 16, 17, & 18 (7pm show Fri, 2pm & 7pm shows Sat & 2pm show on Sun)

CTLB Weekenders program is for Students Ages 6 - 18.

Registration Fee: $185 per student and an optional $30 prepaid T-Shirt and personalized Water Bottle.

Please list any known rehearsal conflicts. No more that 3 conflicts accepted during rehearsals. No conflicts accepted during tech week or shows.

Student Information

Parent Information

Additional Contact Person's Information (optional)

Registration Options
Would you like to donate an additional amount to help scholarship another student?
How much would you like to donate to scholarships?

In addition to filling out the online registration form below, please also print out the following required documents to complete, sign, and bring to the first day of rehearsal. A link to CTLB’s refund policies is also listed.

Thank you!

CTLB – Consent and Release Form and Participation Behavior Agreement – Newsies 2025

Refund Policies

“A triumph! CTLB transforms children’s lives!”

—Erin Stenberg
Malibu United Methodist Church